Sad Poems About Rocks (Generated by Artificial Intelligence GPT-3) - AI Poems

 Sad Poems About Rocks (Generated by Artificial Intelligence GPT-3) - AI Poems

These are some poems that I have generated using GPT-3 about rocks. And they are pretty good, good enough that I decided to post here and I will probably do more in the future. This is the first one. Also I'm really happy though that I finally got to know how I can get access to GPT-3 for free, when it actually became available to the public at the end of last year lol. Better late than never!! Enough talking. Here are the poems:


Rocks are so sad,

They sit there all day,

Never moving, never changing,

Just existing in their own little world.

Sometimes I feel like a rock,

Just existing, never changing,

Never moving forward in life.

I wonder if rocks feel the same way,

If they’re ever sad or lonely.

Do they ever wish they could move,

Or be something more than just a rock?


Rocks are so dull and boring
They just sit there all day
Not doing anything exciting
Just being rocks

Sometimes I wish I could be a rock
At least then I wouldn't have to feel
All this pain and misery
I'd be numb to it all

But even rocks can feel the weight of the world
And they eventually crumble under the pressure
Just like me

So in the end, we're all just rocks
Trying to hold on for dear life
But eventually we all fall apart


Rocks crying in the rain

Soaking up the sorrow and pain

Trying to wash away the stains

But they can't forget the past

The memories of when they were whole

And the happiness they once knew

Now they're nothing but broken pieces

Lying in the mud and dirt

Wondering why they were ever born

And why they have to hurt


Rocks don't have friends
They sit alone in the ground
They don't speak or move
They just sit there and be

As the years go by
They watch their friends move away
They don't know why they must stay
But they do

And they wonder if they'll ever find new friends
Or if they'll just be alone forever

It's a sad and lonely life
But they can't help but wonder
What it would be like to have friends


Rocks are so sad,
they sit there all day,
never moving, never changing.

They are so lonely,
surrounded by dirt and dust,
never knowing the warmth of a hug.

They are so cold,
hard, and unforgiving,
a reminder of our own mortality.

Rocks are just sad,
and there's nothing we can do
to make them feel better.


The rocks were once a family

Closely knit together

But over time they slowly drifted apart

Each going their own way

Until one day they were nothing more

Than a collection of strangers

Each one feeling lost and alone

Without the others to lean on

They can only sit and reminisce

About the good times they once shared

And wonder what could have been

If they had only stayed together
