Artificial Intelligence Writes Funny Greentext 4Chan Stories About Among Us Game (GPT-3 Generates Memes)

Got this idea from a tweet, so I decided to do something different again with GPT-3 and generate some Greentext 4Chan Stories. It is a type of meme format originated from 4Chan website if you don't know. I'm generating memes about Among Us game, making it even more specific. I want to see how creative it can get, creating different results. This will be fun.

Things to noteIt may be funny for me, and not for you. Humor is subjective. I'll be hand-picking stories as I like, but I will be not editing them in any way. 

Here we go-


>Be me

>Be playing among us

>Be in vent with friends

>Be having a good time

>Suddenly, someone starts talking about 4chan

>I have no idea what they're talking about

>I ask what 4chan is

>They start laughing and tell me it's a website full of memes

>I'm not sure what a meme is, but I laugh along anyway

>The game starts getting weird after that

>People are talking about things that I don't understand

>I start to feel like I'm the only one who isn't in on the joke

>I feel left out and alone

>I eventually just leave the game and go to bed


>be me
>be playing among us
>be the impostor
>every time someone finds a body
>i act like i found it
>everyone starts crowding around the body
>i use the distraction to kill someone else
>no one ever suspects me
>until the very end
>when i'm the only one left
>and i'm laughing maniacally


>be donald trump

>be playing among us

>be getting sus af

>be the impostor

>be winning

>be making america great again


>be impostor

>get elected to do the first mission

>everyone is gathered around the table

>I clear my throat

>"The first mission is to go to the engine room and fix the reactor"

>everyone nods and goes to their assigned tasks

>I wait a few minutes

>bodies start dropping like flies

>I'm the only one left

>I triumphantly announce to the empty room

>"I am the impostor!"


>be me

>be sussy baka

>be in game of among us

>be trying to figure out who is impostor

>suspect everyone

>be especially suspicious of baka

>baka always seems to be up to something

>baka always denies being impostor

>baka is always acting suspicious

>one day

>baka finally confesses

>baka is impostor

>baka is sorry

>baka didn't mean to be impostor

>baka just wanted to win

>baka is sorry for being a sussy baka


>be joe biden
>be in the middle of a speech
>hear someone in the crowd yell "we're among you joe!"
>look confused for a second
>realize they're talking about the game Among Us
>try to play it cool
>say "well i'm among all of you!"
>crowd erupts in laughter
>biden walks off stage
> among us joe biden has won again


>be me

>be playing among us

>suspect everyone

>no one can be trusted

>paranoid af

>every move could be your last

>one wrong step and you're out

>game is intense

>everyone is on edge


>hear someone coming

>hide under the table

>breathe quietly

>it's one of the impostors

>he's coming closer

>he's going to find me

>he's going to kill me

>i'm going to die

>i'm screwed

>he's right next to me

>i'm about to die

>he leans down

>and whispers in my ear

>"i'm the impostor"


>be me
>playing among us
>see impostor
>chase impostor
>catch impostor
>impostor turns out to be the janitor
>janitor was just trying to clean up the ship
>me and the janitor are now best friends


>be me

>be playing among us

>be in vent

>hear people talking about me

>be sus

>try to act normal

>get voted off

>be disappointed

>get back on

>be sus again

>get voted off again

>be even more disappointed

>get back on

>be sus again

>get voted off again

>be so disappointed that I can't even play the game anymore


>be among us
>be the impostor
>be the one who is sabotaging the ship
>be the one who is murdering everyone
>be the one who is trying to get away with it
>be the one who is laughing at everyone else
>be the one who is winning
>be the one who is the best at being the impostor
