Collection of Poems about Silence Written by Artificial Intelligence - AI Writes Poems

Collection of Poems about Silence Written by Artificial Intelligence - AI Writes Poems. I am using GPT-3 to generate these poems. I hope you enjoy, they are not edited in any way. Purely AI written. 


When all is said and done

and the day is finally through I find myself seeking silence as a refuge from the noise It's not that I don't enjoy the hustle and bustle of life But sometimes I need a break to recharge and refocus my mind In silence I can hear my thoughts and finally think things through It's a peaceful sort of calm that I can only find in solitude


The world is a noisy place, full of sound and fury. But sometimes it's nice to retreat, to a place of silence and peace. Inside our own heads, we can find a quiet space. Where the mind can wander free, and we can just be. It's a place to rest and recharge, to find some calm and clarity. So when the noise gets too loud, take a break and enjoy the silence.


It's so quiet, you can hear a pin drop Or a leaf falling from a tree The only sound is the wind blowing Or the birds singing in the trees Everything is still and serene The world is at peace And for a moment, all is right In the silence of the night But soon enough, the silence is broken By the sound of a car horn And the hustle and bustle of the world Comes crashing back in once more


It's the sound of the world spinning round and round and the hum of life going on and on. It's the stillness of the night, the peace of a sleeping baby, the calm before the storm. Silence is the power of the universe holding everything together. It's the space between the notes that makes the music sweet. It's the pauses in our conversations that give us time to think. Silence is the power of the heart to feel and to heal. In the silence we can hear the voice of God speaking to us. And in the silence we can find the strength to carry on.


In the power of silence, We can hear the world turn. We can feel the love grow. And, in the power of silence, We can find our true selves. In the power of silence, The world is at our feet. We can conquer anything, Because in the power of silence, We are one with the world.


The power of silence is unending, It can last forever and never bend. It can fill a room with tension and dread, Or it can bring peace and serenity instead. When used correctly, silence can be strong, A weapon more powerful than any words. It can make people think and reflect, And in the end, that is what truly matters. So if you're feeling lost and alone, Take a moment to be silent and still. Listen to the quiet around you, And let it fill you with its peace.


There is power in silence, The ability to hear your own thoughts And the world around you. It is a time to reflect And to be at peace. In silence, we can find strength And wisdom. It is a way to connect With our true selves. In silence, we can hear the voice of God.


When the world is spinning too fast, And the noise is too loud, We need to find silence. In the silence, we can hear our own thoughts, And figure out what we really need. It's a time to recharge and refuel, So we can face the world again. Without silence, we would be lost, Unable to find our way. So cherish the silence, And let it fill you up.


Silence is golden And love is blind But when they're combined They're simply divine For in silence we can hear The unspoken words of love And in love we can find The strength to be silent When silence is all that's needed And love is all that's felt.

POEM #10

Silence is golden And it can be so peaceful But it can also be deafening And so very frightening When you're all alone And the silence is all you hear It can be like a heavy burden weighing you down But it can also be a gentle release From the noise and the chaos And it can be a calm in the storm That you desperately need So when the silence comes And it engulfs you completely Just try to hold on And ride it out Because it won't last forever And eventually The noise will come back And you'll be so grateful For the silence That you once found so frightening.
