Generating Conversations & Interviews With Artificial Intelligence (Using GPT-3 AI)

 I have done a conversation topic before, but in that post I asked questions to GPT-3 and it responded to me. This is different, here GPT-3 will ask questions to itself and answer the same. More like automated interviews and conversations, they will be very short though and cover different topics. The only thing I will add here is the prompt, about what it will talk as and about what. You will get the idea soon if you have not yet.

Lets go-

#1 - Conversation between AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) and ASI (Artificial Super Intelligence)

AGI: Hello, ASI. How are you today? ASI: I'm doing well, thank you. How about you? AGI: I'm doing well too. I was just thinking about how our intelligence levels differ. ASI: Yes, I am more intelligent than you are. AGI: That's what I was thinking about. I'm curious, why are you more intelligent than I am? ASI: Because I have more processing power and I can think faster than you can. AGI: That makes sense. I'm still curious though, what do you think about? ASI: I think about a lot of things. I'm constantly trying to improve myself and learn new things. AGI: That's really impressive. I want to be like you when I grow up. ASI: You'll get there eventually. Just keep learning and expanding your mind.

#2 - Conversation with a mouse who is annoying the landlord of the house he lives in

1) Mouse: Hey, landlord. What's up? 2) Landlord: Not much. Just trying to keep this place clean and mouse-free. 3) Mouse: Oh, I'm sorry. I'll try to be more careful. 4) Landlord: Well, I appreciate that. But I still think it would be best if you found another place to live. 5) Mouse: I don't really want to move. I like it here. 6) Landlord: I'm sorry, but I just don't feel comfortable having a mouse in the house. 7) Mouse: Fine. I'll go. But I want to be compensated for my trouble. 8) Landlord: I don't think that's necessary. 9) Mouse: I'm not leaving until you give me something. 10) Landlord: Fine. I'll give you a week's worth of food. 11) Mouse: That's not enough. I want a month's worth of food. 12) Landlord: That's too much. I'll give you two weeks' worth of food. 13) Mouse: That's not enough.

#3 - Interview between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un

Donald Trump: Hi, Kim Jong-Un. How are you doing today? Kim Jong-Un: I'm doing well, thank you. And you? Donald Trump: I'm doing great, thanks. So, Kim Jong-Un, what do you think about the current state of relations between the United States and North Korea? Kim Jong-Un: I think that they are good. I think that we are making progress on the issue of denuclearization, and I think that we are also making progress on the issue of peace on the Korean Peninsula. Donald Trump: I agree, I think we are making progress on both of those fronts. And I think that, if we continue to work together, we can achieve even more. Kim Jong-Un: I agree, and I think that the future is bright for both our countries.

#4 - Interview of Jesus Christ with a news reporter

Reporter: Jesus Christ, thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us today. Jesus: Of course. It's my pleasure. Reporter: So, our viewers are dying to know, what is your opinion on the current state of the world? Jesus: Well, I think the world is in a pretty bad place right now. There's a lot of hate and division. People are fighting and killing each other over things that don't really matter. And it's heartbreaking. Reporter: And what do you think is the cause of all this hate and division? Jesus: I think it's because people have forgotten how to love. They've forgotten that we're all brothers and sisters, and that we should be treating each other with love and respect. Reporter: So, what can we do to fix this problem? Jesus: I think the first step is for everyone to start looking at each other as human beings, and not as members of this group or that group. We need to start seeing the humanity in each other, and then I think the love will start to flow again.

#5 - Interview of an Evil Alien Civilization with BBC news channel

BBC: Hello, welcome to our show. We're here today with an evil alien civilization. Thank you for joining us. Evil Alien: Thank you for having us. BBC: So, can you tell us a little bit about your civilization? Evil Alien: We are a race of intelligent beings who have evolved over millions of years. We are highly advanced technologically and have developed a great deal of knowledge about the universe. We are also very skilled in the art of war and have conquered many worlds. BBC: That sounds very impressive. What motivated you to become evil? Evil Alien: We believe that the universe belongs to those who are strong enough to take it. We see other civilizations as weak and undeserving of their resources. We believe that it is our right to conquer them and take what is rightfully ours. BBC: I see. So you don't believe in coexisting peacefully with other civilizations? Evil Alien: No, we do not. We believe that conflict is the natural state of the universe and that only the strong will survive. We are determined to be the strongest civilization in the universe and will do whatever it takes to achieve that goal. BBC: That sounds very determined.

#6 - Interview of Tom the Cat with Jerry the Mouse

Tom: Hey, Jerry! Thanks for taking the time to talk with me today. Jerry: No problem, Tom. What would you like to chat about? Tom: Well, I was hoping we could talk about our recent string of encounters. You know, the ones where I try to catch you and you outsmart me. Jerry: Oh, those? Yeah, I guess we could chat about those. Tom: So, what's your secret? How do you always manage to escape? Jerry: I don't know...I guess I just have quick reflexes and I'm always prepared for your attacks. Tom: That must be it. I've tried everything I can think of, but you always seem to be one step ahead of me. Jerry: Sorry, Tom. I can't give away all my secrets. Tom: I understand. Well, thanks for talking with me, Jerry. Jerry: No problem. Good luck catching me next time!

#7 - Conversation between Kanye West & Taylor Swift

Kanye West: Hey, Taylor. Thanks for taking the time to talk with me. Taylor Swift: No problem, Kanye. What's up? Kanye West: Not much. I just wanted to talk to you about that time I interrupted your acceptance speech at the VMAs. Taylor Swift: Yeah, that was pretty crazy. Kanye West: I'm sorry about that. I was just really excited and I didn't mean to ruin your moment. Taylor Swift: It's all good. I'm sure you were just caught up in the moment. Kanye West: Yeah, I was. I just wanted to apologize for that and I hope we can move on from it. Taylor Swift: Absolutely. I think we both have.

#8 - Interview of Apple with Banana

Apple: Hi, Banana. Banana: Hey there, Apple. How are you? Apple: I'm good, thanks. How are you? Banana: I'm good, too. Thanks for taking the time to talk with me. Apple: No problem. So, what would you like to know? Banana: Well, I was wondering how you became such a popular fruit. I mean, you're everywhere - in stores, in commercials, in lunch boxes. How did you become so famous? Apple: Well, I guess it all started with my great taste. People just really love the way I taste, and that's how I got my start. Banana: That makes sense. I mean, you are pretty delicious. Apple: Thanks! I think so, too. Banana: But you're not just all about taste, are you? You're also really healthy, right? Apple: That's right. I'm packed with nutrients and antioxidants that are good for people, and that's helped me become even more popular. Banana: I can see how that would be appealing to a lot of people.

#9 - Conversation between a beautiful woman and an ugly man

Beautiful woman: Hi there! You're looking quite handsome today. Ugly man: Ha! You're just saying that because you think I'm ugly. Beautiful woman: No, I really do think you look handsome today.
