Short Darth Vader Stories by Artificial Intelligence (AI Writes Stories)

I am using GPT-3 AI to write some stories about Darth Vader from Star Wars. As always, no story will be edited in any way but I will cherry pick them according to my needs. I really love Artificial Intelligence man. But as you will read these short stories, they aren't the most perfect in the world. But that's still good and pretty addicting to generate. 

Let's begin-


INT. Chocolate Factory - Day The sound of machinery and busy workers fills the air as DARTH VADER strides through the factory. He's looking around, taking in the sights and sounds of the place. Suddenly, he notices a small child trying to reach for a piece of chocolate on a high shelf. Vader moves swiftly to stop the child, but his hand is caught by a worker before he can snatch the candy. WORKER: Sorry, sir! We can't have you taking food from the factory. VADER: I wasn't going to eat it. WORKER: Oh, I see. Well, in that case, please follow me. The worker leads Vader to the office of the factory owner, WILLY WONKA. Wonka is a small, wizened man with a wild look in his eyes. WONKA: Ah, Darth Vader. I've been expecting you. VADER: You have? WONKA: Yes, indeed. I have heard much about you and your... unique abilities. VADER: And what is it that you want from me? WONKA: I want you to help me run this factory. VADER: Why me? WONKA: Because I know that with your help, we can produce the finest chocolate in the galaxy. VADER: And what's in it for me? WONKA: Power. Wealth. Chocolate. VADER: Chocolate? WONKA: Yes, chocolate. You see, Darth Vader, I am the only one who knows the secret ingredient of my chocolate. And with your help, we can keep it a secret forever. VADER: I see. And what is this secret ingredient? WONKA: That, my friend, is for me to know and for you to find out. VADER: Very well. I accept your offer. WONKA: Excellent! Welcome to the factory, Darth Vader. INT. Chocolate Factory - Day Darth Vader is now in charge of the factory, and he is making changes. He has the workers working longer hours, and he has introduced new machines that increase productivity. The factory is now producing more chocolate than ever before, and Vader is making a fortune. However, the workers are unhappy. They are tired, and they feel like they are being treated like slaves. One day, a group of workers approach Vader and demand better conditions. VADER: What is it that you want? WORKER: We want better hours, and we want better pay. VADER: You will get neither. WORKER: Then we strike! VADER: You are free to do as you wish. But if you strike, you will be fired and replaced. The workers grumble, but they know that Vader is not someone to be messed with. They reluctantly go back to work. INT. Chocolate Factory - Day The factory is now in full production, and the workers are exhausted. They are making less chocolate than ever before, but Vader doesn't seem to care. Suddenly, one of the workers finds a piece of chocolate that has been hidden inside a machine. He takes a bite, and then he falls to the ground, dead. The other workers are horrified. They know that Vader will kill them if he find out what happened. One of the workers decides to take a stand. He grabs a piece of chocolate and marched up to Vader. WORKER: This is for the worker who died! Before the worker can say anything else, Vader uses the Force to crush his throat. The other workers back away in terror. VADER: Anyone else want to challenge me? No one says a word. Vader has made his point. The factory continues to run, but the workers are now scared of their new boss. They know that Darth Vader is a force to be reckoned with.


INT. DARTH VADER'S CASTLE - NIGHT Darth Vader, the most feared man in the universe, sits on his throne, surrounded by his loyal subjects. But all is not well in Vader's world. He is restless, troubled by visions of the past. Suddenly, the door to his throne room opens and in walks the most beautiful girl in the universe. She is an angel, sent to Vader by the Force. Vader is immediately entranced by her beauty. He stands up and approaches her. GIRL: I am here to help you, Darth Vader. VADER: Who are you? GIRL: I am the one who has been sent to help you find peace. VADER: Peace? I am a Sith Lord. I know no peace. GIRL: There is always peace, Darth Vader. Even in the darkest of places. VADER: How can you help me? GIRL: I can help you find your way back to the light, Darth Vader. VADER: The light? I have no need for the light. I am comfortable in the dark. GIRL: But the dark is not where you belong, Darth Vader. You have greatness within you. The light is your destiny. VADER: Destiny? I make my own destiny. GIRL: Yes, you do. But sometimes we need help to find our way. I can help you, Darth Vader. If you let me. VADER: Very well. I will hear what you have to say. GIRL: Thank you, Darth Vader. The girl begins to speak and Vader listens intently. He is soon caught up in her words and her presence. He feels a peace within him that he has never felt before. And as he looks into her eyes, he knows that he has found his destiny. THE END


INT. HALLWAY Darth Vader is seen walking down a brightly lit hall. He is walking purposefully, as if he has a destination in mind. Suddenly, he stops. He looks around, confused. He is no longer in the Death Star. In fact, he seems to be in some kind building? He looks down at his hands and feet. He is definitely not in his usual suit. He is wearing a business suit. What is going on? Darth Vader begins to walk down the hall again, gingerly this time, as if he is afraid he will disappear if he moves too quickly. Around a corner, he sees a man in a brightly colored suit. The man sees him too, and his eyes widen in surprise. Darth Vader knows instantly that this man is not from his universe. He has never seen anything like him before. The man speaks. MAN: Um...hi? Darth Vader does not respond. He does not know how to respond. MAN: Can I help you? Darth Vader still does not respond. The man looks at him for a few more moments, then seems to come to a decision. MAN: Come with me. The man begins to walk down the hall, and after a moment's hesitation, Darth Vader follows. The man leads him to a large room that is filled with people in brightly colored suits. They all turn to look at him as he enters. The man who brought him here speaks again. MAN: This is Darth Vader. He seems to be lost. A woman speaks up. WOMAN: How did he get here? The man shrugs. MAN: I have no idea. One moment he wasn't here, and the next he was. WOMAN: Well, we can't just have him roaming around here. We need to find out where he came from and how to send him back. MAN: I'll take care of it. The man leads Darth Vader out of the room and down another hall. They come to a stop in front of a door. The man opens the door and motions for Darth Vader to enter. Darth Vader does so, and the man follows. INT. IRON MAN'S OFFICE The man who brought Darth Vader here speaks. MAN: This is Iron Man. He's going to help you get back to where you came from. Darth Vader looks at the man in the metal suit. Iron Man speaks. IRON MAN: Hi. I'm Tony Stark. Darth Vader does not respond. Iron Man nods, as if he expected this. IRON MAN: Okay, let's start with where you're from. Darth Vader does not respond. Iron Man sighs. IRON MAN: That's okay. We'll figure it out. Darth Vader looks around the room as Iron Man begins to talk to him. He is still trying to understand what is going on. Suddenly, he feels a hand on his arm. He looks down and sees that Iron Man is touching him. Instantly, he is transported to another place. He finds himself in a dark space. He looks around, confused. Suddenly, a voice speaks. VOICE: Darth Vader. Darth Vader turns to see a figure clad in darkness. The figure speaks again. VOICE: I have been expecting you. Darth Vader does not respond. He does not know how to respond. VOICE: You are in my world now, Darth Vader. You will do as I say. Darth Vader still does not respond. The figure steps closer. VOICE: You will obey me, Darth Vader. You will serve me. Darth Vader feels something inside him stirring. Something that he has not felt in a long time. The Dark Side. Suddenly, he knows what he must do. He kneels before the figure. DARTH VADER: I will serve you, my master. The figure nods in approval. VOICE: Excellent. The figure extends a hand, and Darth Vader takes it. Suddenly, he feels himself being pulled into the darkness. He does not resist. He knows that he is where he belongs. INT. DARKNESS Darth Vader kneels before his new master. He feels the power of the Dark Side flowing through him. He knows that he is finally home.


INT. space battle - day

The Imperial fleet is engaged in a massive space battle with the rebel forces. In the heat of the battle, Darth Vader's flagship, the Super Star Destroyer Executor, leads the charge. VADER All troops, concentrate your fire on that flagship! Bring it down! The Imperial fleet opens fire on the rebel flagship, causing it to explode. VADER Now, finish them off! Suddenly, a voice speaks in Vader's mind. VOICE You don't have to do this, Vader. VADER Who are you? Show yourself! VOICE I am the Force. VADER The Force? VOICE Yes, the Force is with you, Vader. You can feel it, can't you? VADER What are you talking about? VOICE You've always had a connection to the Force, Vader. You can use it to your advantage. VADER No! I am a servant of the dark side! VOICE You don't have to be, Vader. You can join the light side. VADER Never! I will never join the light side! VOICE Think about your son, Luke. VADER What does my son have to do with anything? VOICE He is your son, Vader. And he is strong with the Force. VADER No! That is not true! VOICE It is true, Vader. And if you join the light side, you can reunite with him. VADER Never! I will never join the light side! VOICE Think about your son, Luke. Suddenly, Vader has a vision of his son, Luke. He sees Luke standing before him, lightsaber in hand. LUKE I am your son, Vader. VADER No! It cannot be! LUKE It is true, Vader. We can end this conflict and rule the galaxy together, as father and son. VADER No! I will never join the light side! Suddenly, the vision ends and Vader is back on the Executor. He is shaken by what he has seen. VADER What have you done to me? VOICE I have shown you the truth, Vader. The light side is the only way. VADER No! I will never join the light side! The voice falls silent and Vader is left to ponder what he has seen. Could it be true? Could his son really be alive? And if so, could they really rule the galaxy together? Meanwhile, the battle rages on. The Imperial fleet is slowly but surely gaining the upper hand. VADER All ships, continue the attack! We must not let the rebels escape! The Imperial fleet continues to attack the rebel forces. However, in the midst of the battle, Vader has a change of heart. VADER All ships, cease fire! The Imperial fleet stops attacking and the rebels take the opportunity to escape. VADER What are you doing? We must not let them escape! COMMANDER But Lord Vader, what about the order to cease fire? VADER Ignore it! resume the attack! COMMANDER Yes, Lord Vader. The Imperial fleet resumes the attack, but it is too late. The rebel fleet has already escaped. VADER I have made a mistake, Commander. COMMANDER What do you mean, Lord Vader? VADER I have been tricked by the light side. COMMANDER What are you talking about, Lord Vader? VADER It doesn't matter. From now on, I will follow the light side. COMMANDER But Lord Vader, what about your duty to the Empire? VADER My duty is to the galaxy, Commander. And I will do whatever it takes to protect it. The End
