Poems About Angels Written By Artificial Intelligence (GPT-3)

Poems About Angels Written By Artificial Intelligence. Here are some poems written by GPT-3 AI about Angels. I have not edited them in any way.


An angel is a messenger

A bringer of good news

A herald of hope

A ray of light in the dark

A voice of comfort in the night

An angel is a friend

A protector and a guide

A source of strength in time of need

A sign of God's love

An angel is a gift from heaven

A sign that we are never alone

A reminder that we are loved

And cherished by the One who made us

Thank you, angel, for being here

For being a part of our lives

And for sharing your love with us.


Angels are the messengers of God They bring us His love And remind us of His care With their gentle guidance And watchful eye We are never alone For God is always near And His angels are always there


Angels are so special And they come from above With their big white wings To show us we are loved We can't see them all the time But they are always near Guiding us through life And wiping away our tears When we need a little help Or we're feeling all alone We can always count on angels To be there for us, every time


There are angels among us Sent from Heaven above To watch over and guide us And fill our lives with love. They are always there for us In times of joy and sorrow And their gentle presence Is a blessing we can always borrow. Thank you, dear angels For being part of our lives And making this world a better place With your unending love and care.


Angels love with the love of God And they long to see His face They sing His praises day and night And rejoice in His holy name Their hearts are full of His love And they desire nothing more Than to spend eternity in His presence Angels love with the love of God And they cherish His every word They live to please Him and bring Him glory And they would gladly lay down their lives For His sake and for His kingdom Angels love with the love of God And they know no fear or pain They are ever faithful and true And they will never leave His side Theirs is a love that knows no bounds And it will last forevermore


Angels and devils, oh what a tangle we get ourselves into when we can't tell which is which. Is it an angel that sits on my shoulder and whispers in my ear, "You're not good enough," or is it a devil trying to lead me astray? I can't tell them apart and I'm not sure which one I should listen to. But I think I'm leaning toward the angel, because at least she's honest with me.


Angels are divine creatures Sent from the heavens above To watch over us and guide us In everything we do. They are our protectors and our friends always there for us In our time of need. We are never alone For angels are always near Watching over us And keeping us safe.


Angels and devils, Two sides of the same coin. One cannot exist without the other, For they are two parts of a whole. The yin to the yang, The light to the dark. Angels are the embodiment of good, While devils are the embodiment of evil. Both are necessary in this world, For without one, the other would not exist.
