Poems About Pain Written By Artificial Intelligence (GPT-3)

Poems About Pain Written By Artificial Intelligence (GPT-3). Using AI to generate some poems related to Pain. Everything is AI generated and I have not edited them in any way. Hope you like them!


The pain is sharp and stabbing
It feels like my insides are being ripped out
It's hard to breathe, and I can't move
I want to scream, but no sound comes out

The pain is all-consuming
It's like nothing I've ever felt before
It's like my body is betraying me
And I can't do anything to stop it

The pain is unbearable
But I know I can't give up
I have to keep going, no matter what

This pain is my enemy
But I'm not going to let it win
I'm going to fight it with everything I have
And I'll never give up


Pain is a cruel mistress
She's always there when you need her
She never goes away

She's always there to remind you
Of all the hurt you've ever felt
She's always there to make you

Remember all the times you've cried
She's always there to make you

Feel like you're never going to make it through

But pain is also a teacher
She's there to show you what you're made of
She's there to help you grow

So when she comes knocking on your door

Don't be afraid to let her in

And learn from all she has to teach you


Pain is like a sharp knife

cutting through my flesh

I can't escape it

no matter how hard I try

It's always there

haunting me

like a demon

I can't shake

It's always with me

a constant reminder

of the hurt I feel

It never goes away

It's always there

torturing me

with its presence

I hate it

I hate pain

but it's a part of me

and I have to learn to live with it


The pain is like a fire

It burns through my body

And I can't escape it

It's always there, tormenting me

And I can't get away from it

The pain is like a blade

It cuts through my flesh

And I can't stop it

It's always there, slicing me

And I can't get away from it

The pain is like a poison

It seeps through my veins

And I can't fight it

It's always there, killing me

And I can't get away from it


Love is pain
It's like a knife
That pierces your heart
And leaves you bleeding

It's like a fire
That burns you from the inside
And incinerates your soul

It's like a poison
That slowly kills you
And leaves you in agony

Love is pain
And it's the worst feeling
In the world


The pain is always there,

tugging at my heart,

reminding me of what I've lost.

It's a constant ache,

a never-ending torment.

Some days it's manageable,

other days it consumes me.

It's the price I pay

for loving someone

who is no longer here.


The pain never goes away
It just numbs for a little while
Then it comes back tenfold
Bringing with it all the guilt
And shame of what I've become

I can't escape this vicious cycle
No matter how hard I try
The drugs are always there
Lurking in the shadows
Taunting me with false promises

I'm a slave to this addiction
And I can see no way out
The pain is my only constant
And I'm terrified of what comes next


Pain is a part of life
It's something we all feel
At one point or another

It can be sharp and sudden
Or a dull ache that lingers
Sometimes it's physical
And sometimes it's emotional

Pain can be overwhelming
And it can be hard to cope
But we all find a way to get through

In the end, pain is just a part of life
Something that we all have to face
But we can get through it
Together or on our own
